Seminars and Talks
Next to sharing resources and surveying the status quo of the mental health situation in academia, we promoted awareness for mental health problems and tried to de-stigmatize them to empower PhD students. For this, we organized frequent mental health events.

Motivation and Procrastination seminar
In cooperation with Desiree Dickerson, we offered a seminar in which participants could learn about procrastination loops and how to recognize them. Also, we examined the thoughts underlying discomfort that lead leads to procrastination.
Desiree Dickerson has earned degrees in neuroscience and clinical psychology. She specializes in academic’s and graduate students’ mental health as a professional counselor, where she advocates a better work-life balance in academia.

Brain Awareness Week 2021
We were happy to participate in the virtual Brain Awareness Week 2021 to raise awareness for mental health related problems in academia. During our event, we gave a short presentation on the mental health crisis in academia, and briefly introduced the concept of mindfulness.
Afterwards, we invited the mindfulness expert Dr. Simon Guendelmann to present research findings about mindfulness and take us on a mindfulness journey with him.

Online Seminar Berliner Krisendienst 2022
As part of our continuous effort to promote awareness for mental health in academia and provide resources to support the mental health of researchers, we would like to invite you to an online seminar by the Berliner Krisendienst (Berlin Crisis Service).The Berliner Krisendienst provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies. The seminar will take place online via Zoom on Thursday, 05.05.2022, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Please register here to receive the link to this event.